Organic fertilization of the soil Archives - Fitochem


Organic fertilization of the soil

Organic Fertilizers for Plant Growth: An Expert Guide

The dream of every agronomist is to obtain abundant, nutritious and fruitful products, but how to achieve it remains a major concern. Growing healthy farm items is not easy; producers must take care of many aspects, especially the health of the soil and the adequate translocation of nutrients to the crops. Well, a better way …

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Top Benefits of Using Organic Fertilizers for Farming and Agriculture

An adequate amount of fertilizer can help you supplement the nutrients already present in the Soil fertilizer (fertilizante de suelo en mexico) and around the globe can be widely classified into distinct types, organic and synthetic or inorganic, as commonly referred. While synthetic fertilization is concentrated and quick to respond, organic fertilization of the soil is …

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Best Soil Fertilizers for Healthy Fertile Soil

To ensure your plants, vegetables, and fruits grow up in optimum conditions, the first thing you need to check is whether your soil is getting enough nutrients. Proper nutrition and fertilization are essential for each soil type to make it fertile and present the best conditions for your crops to grow in. Wish to know …

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Why is Soil Fertility one of the Important Factors on Crop Yield?

In the agriculture industry, organic matters hold great importance. These matters are obtained from dead plant roots, crop residues, and vegetables. Various organic manures are also on the list, including farmyard manure, compost, green manure, fungi, bacteria, worms, and insects. Basically, organic matter forms a tiny portion but is one of the most important for …

Why is Soil Fertility one of the Important Factors on Crop Yield? Read More »

Importance of Organic Nutrients and Products for Fertilization of the Soil (Nutrición natural u orgánica para las plantas)

Currently, farmers, landscapers, and homeowners from all around the globe are using organic fertilizers to ensure the better growth of plants and have quality yields as an outcome. Let us discuss why the organic fertilization of the soil (Fertilización orgánica del suelo) is essential and how such products are beneficial. Importance of Organic Fertilization of …

Importance of Organic Nutrients and Products for Fertilization of the Soil (Nutrición natural u orgánica para las plantas) Read More »

Benefits of Organic Fertilization for Soil and Plant’s Growth

As far as agricultural growth is concerned, a lot of farmers face the issues of contamination of surrounding and underground water. Apart from this, they face the problem of the increase of toxic salts in the soil. It is undeniable that soil degradation is a significant risk for agricultural growth. And, when the chemical-based fertilizers …

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Relevance of Organic fertilizers and Fulvic Acid for Plant’s Growth

In recent years, there has been an adoption of many different advanced techniques to bring improvement in the quality and quantity of agricultural production. In fact, the new developments in agriculture depend hugely on mechanization and new hybrid seeds, but we cannot ignore the importance of soil properties. Yes! Only when there is soil with …

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Beneficial Properties of Fulvic Acids for Agriculture and Farming Industry

Considered as an organic soil conditioner, fulvic acid is used by farmers because it is soluble in all PH media, as well as holding acidifying capacities. Important to mention, fulvic acid is an OMRI-certified product due to the beneficial properties it holds. Let us discuss some Properties and the benefits of fulvic acids (Ácido fúlvico …

Beneficial Properties of Fulvic Acids for Agriculture and Farming Industry Read More »

Use Fulvic Acids to Increase the Productivity of Crops

Several organic products are used to keep the health of the soil and produce the perfect crop. One of the most used products among all is fulvic acid. It is commonly used in organic crop production, greenhouse cropping of vegetables, and horticultural programs as well. Actually, it is a substance that provides proper nutrition to …

Use Fulvic Acids to Increase the Productivity of Crops Read More »


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