Vegetable Nutrition Principles
Living beings depend on sources of nutriments and energy. The nutrients are used as an energy source, required for keeping and maintaining cellular organization, as well as being part of chemical reactions that happen in the cell’s metabolism.
All life on Earth acquires energy by metabolizing nutriment molecules made by photosynthesizers.
The existence of living beings depends on physical characteristics and water chemistry.
The first cells evolved in water, which is part of the reason why living beings contain between 70%-90% of water. It is indispensable for mineral transport and solvent capacities, given that polarization facilities chemical reactions inside and outside of living systems.
Matter is composed by 92 natural elements and all substances are formed with different combinations of these. The living beings They are constituted principally by 6 elements, which are carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur (CHONPS). This molecules are combined to form organic molecules in the cell.
The 4 classes of molecules , organic molecules inside the cell, are carbohydrates, fats, proteins and nucleic acids, with a great diversity of biomolecules.
We will talk and be focused in the areas of nutrition, en los organismos con células eucariotas (con núcleo), que incluyen protistas, hongos, plantas y animales.
Although it is true that today at least 20 inorganic elements known as essential are known, the importance of those organic compounds such as enzymes and different organic substances takes on true significance due to the effect they cause in small amounts to benefit the metabolism of the human being. living.
After water and seeds, nutrients participate in order to achieve growth and development of crops. There are many scientific studies related to the individual effects of each element, in order to benefit plants, and that are in line with the requirements to be considered essential, which are:
– Be a constituent part of plant tissues.
– That the absence of the nutrient causes a malformation in the growth and in severe cases the death of the plant.
– To have a specific and irreplaceable function.
We will talk now about organic compounds and their effects in plants.
We refer to the importance of organic matter and of the compounds that are derived from natural decomposition, such as the humus, from which fulvic and humic acids come from.
It is sufficient that a soil contains 5% of organic matter to be catalogued as extremely rich in organic matter. orgánica however, nowadays more than 60& of our country soils contain less than 1% of organic matter, and therefore here is where we can attribute the great importance of taking actions that increase the organic matter percentage in the soil.
The basic differences between fulvic acids and humic acids are related to solubility tied to pH levels, being fulvic acids the only fraction of humus soluble in all pH media. Humic acids are only soluble in neutral and alkaline pH media.
The molecular size of fulvic acids is at least 50 times smaller than humic acids, which is why fulvic acids are considered the most active part of humus.
Speaking of the main known effects of fulvic acids, their influence on metabolic reactions and energy transformations.