Proper nutrition is essential for any healthy organism. Just as humans and animals need a healthy diet on a regular basis, plants also need nourishment to survive and grow. Soil is a basic food source for plants, but sometimes the soil lacks enough nutrients for itself and for plants. Therefore, the soil must be in optimal conditions of health and nutrition. Thus, healthy soil translates into healthy agriculture.
Water and adequate nutrition are necessary for the plant, both to survive and to defend itself against pests and diseases. By nutrition we mean the required level of nutritional elements, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium and micronutrients. All these components are available on the market, both in organic and synthetic products. Synthetic nutrients or fertilizers are prepared in laboratories using chemicals, and organic nutrients are derived primarily from plant and animal waste.
Organic plant nutrition is, for many reasons, better than synthetic or chemical, as agrochemicals are detrimental to long-term soil health. At the same time, organic nutrition has no side effects. Let’s break down why organic plant nutrition is better for plants and soil:
- Does not harm the environment : Erosion and degradation of the soil, the threat of extinction of many species of wildlife, etc., are the result of intensive agricultural practices, excessive use of pesticides and synthetic fertilizers. If the use of chemical products is replaced by organic ones, we can reverse the degradation. Farming that uses organic products is organic farming. Organic farming is a boon to natural habitat and wildlife.
- Healthy soil : Fertilizers are used to balance the level of nutrition in the soil. Organic fertilizers are made from natural elements; organic fertilization improves the level of soil nutrition and enriches the crops without killing them. Organic nutrition in the soil results in organic and natural nutrient elements in crops. The use of organic fertilizers makes our diet healthier.
- Work better, longer : Organic fertilizers and chemical products provide the same nutrients to the soil. But later on, they work differently. Organic fertilizers work harder and better than synthetic fertilizers by providing the necessary nutrients for plants and nourishing the soil.
- Feed healthily : Crops produced with organic farming are much more beneficial than intensive farming. Fewer pesticides and preservatives, more resilient agriculture and more nutritious food.
- Easy on the pocket : Organic plant nutrition products are very pocket friendly as they are much cheaper than others available on the market. In addition, these fertilizers are very versatile, as they can be widely used by farmers, and landscapers to obtain better results in their different work areas.
- Easy to use : Organic fertilizers are harmless products and very easy to use. Anyone can easily use them by following the detailed instructions on the packaging.
Organic fertilizers and other plant nutrients are biodegradable, sustainable and environmentally friendly. OMRI (Organic Material Review Institute) reviews organic products available on the market and lists the products clearly specifying their level of nutrition. As awareness of organic farming increases, SE should be aware of OMRI-accepted organic products.
Organic products are important for your plants. We invite you to browse our website at and take a look at the organic and OMRI products we have available for you. Let’s contribute to the rise of organic farming and improve the nutrition of your plants!