OMRI Products: A Trusted Journey of Healthy Plants - Fitochem


OMRI Products: A Trusted Journey of Healthy Plants

When you shop for organic products for your plants or crops, what are your preferences? If you are satisfied with just the organic tag label, then you are going in the wrong direction. You must check whether the products technically qualify as organic or not. Here comes the role of OMRI listing. 

The use of organic soil and pest-control products is permitted, but how can you be sure that the products are legitimate? Organic Material Review Institute, popularly known as OMRI, ensures the quality of chemical-free organic agricultural products. In order to qualify as organic, crops do not necessarily need to be grown without external inputs such as fertilizers. OMRI ensures that the inputs used by these farms comply not only with the National Organic Program (USDA- NOP) but also with the Canadian Organic Regime (COR) and the Mexican Organic Products Law (LPO by its acronym in Spanish). There are different product lists for each of these countries with OMRI. 

OMRI lists organic products, but it does not certify them. Generally, the “organic” certification is for consumer-used products like vegetables, fruits, some clothing, and meat. And the OMRI listings are for the products used in the production of these goods. Companies applying to be listed by OMRI are still subject to rigorous reviews, which must be renewed every year. It doesn’t mean the OMRI seal isn’t important just because consumers can’t see it. 

Does the OMRI listing make any difference? Yes, definitely. As organic farming is very popular these days, the listing provides confidence to organic farmers about the products. Farmers can check out OMRI’s product list to make sure that the products they are using are suitable for organic farming, like organic fertilizers, livestock food palettes, and many other organic inputs. OMRI listing is like a litmus test for ensuring that the products sold in your local market labelled as organic are actually grown organically. It allows farmers to use it confidently while still being in compliance with organic standards. In addition, the certifier can benefit from the system. 

What are OMRI-listed products doing for your farm and garden? As a farmer, you must know how beneficial organic farming is. When you are using OMRI-listed products, you can expect better results since you can rely on the production of organic goods. Let us understand more with the below-explained points: 

Quality-driven Ingredients:

When you are moving towards organic gardening or farming, you are seeking quality. In the market, OMRI’s transparency and other foundations for material testing contribute to the production of quality-driven organic products.

A consistent product:

In the production of an organic garden and moving towards organic farming, the usage of organic products is the best choice you can ever make. Due to the steps taken by the OMRI certification process, consumers can be confident that they will get the best produce in healthy food and flowers consistently.

Nature-safe products are OMRI listed:

OMRI listing is a step forward towards a more sustainable future. Nature-safe products listed by OMRI are recognizable as organic products that farmers use to make their farms more healthy and more profitable. 

Our brand supports and is a strong believer in organic farming. We have a range of quality OMRI-listed products that are beneficial in two ways; first, they improve plant health and help improve the finances as it shows its effects in high yielding. 

If you want to know more about us and our excellent range of products, contact us at 552-625-4136.


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