The Paris Climate Agreement aim is to strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change by keeping a global temperature rise below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase even further to 1.5 degrees Celsius.
Excessive use of nitrogen fertilizers in chemical-intensive agriculture is driving global nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions higher, placing the world at a greater risk of climate catastrophe. According to research published by an international team of scientists in the journal Nature, failure to adequately address nitrous oxide emissions will impede the world’s ability to keep warming below the 2°C target established under the Paris Agreement.
Moreover the United Nations has set ending hunger, achieving food security and improving nutrition, as well as promoting sustainable agriculture as the second of its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for the year 2030.
Investing in sustainable chemicals-free agriculture is one of mankind’s best weapons against hunger and poverty. Agriculture is the foundation of human civilizations improving life conditions for billions of people. During the majority of human history, crops were used to grow without synthetic chemicals and the use of human-made fertilizers, fungicides, pesticides and herbicides were widespread since the 1950’s.
Such chemicals increase crop’s productivity despite adverse consequences on the environment and on animal and human health due to their toxicology. In agriculture, it’s not just about growing crops, but also about doing it in a productive and sustainable way that doesn’t pollute the land for future generations.
According to the US Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs:
“Organic food is the product of a farming system that avoids the use of man-made fertilizers, pesticides, growth regulators (…) Organic agriculture is a systems approach to production that is working towards environmentally, socially and economically sustainable production.”
Since the late 20th century, the market for organic food has grown significantly, becoming a multibillion-dollar industry that spans the globe. The impacts of organic agriculture are beneficial to the environment, as chemical runoff and soils pollution is reduced. Moreover, significant research shows that organically produced crops have higher nutritional content than nonorganic crops.
Nowadays, consumers increasingly seek and purchase healthier food grown in ways that respect the environment, while reducing the exposure to toxic chemicals. People all around the globe are being mindful about their health as a matter of choice due to increasing health issues such as diabetes, obesity, hypertension and cancer.
Organic agriculture is the future of agriculture, in an industry that learns from the past in order to deliver adequate food supplies for the human species. According to market research, it is estimated that the global organic food and beverages market will reach USD 323.56 billion by 2024.
About Fitochem
Since 2006 Fitochem’s founders began their quest to responsibly supply organic products for enhanced nutrition following the increasing trend of sustainable chemicals-free agriculture.
The association of Chemical Engineer Victor Manuel Urbina Bolland, Mexican National Prize of Chemistry in 2004 and Biologist Juan Carlos Flores Córdova led to Fitochem’s foundation.
Pioneer in developing fulvic acids in Mexico, Victor Urbina developed relations with many internationally renowned fertilizer companies like Bayer AG, Rhone Poulenc, Química HOECHST and BASF Mexicana, to name a few. Biologist Juan Carlos Flores has dedicated 34 years of his life to commercialize organic nutrients and foliar fertilizers both in Mexico and internationally. He has also participated in agronomical tests of biological effectiveness of fulvic acids in vegetables, fruit trees and grains in general.
In Fitochem, both participated in the development of their main product, Fulvi 75, OMRI listed organic complement for all kinds of fertilizers that has a synergic effect when mixed with other fertilizers, as it has a proven “carry” effect on nutrients and positively increase the agronomic efficiency of fertilizers formulas. Fulvic acid is a concentrated substance that increases the absorption of nutrients into the plants, making them superior in growth, quantity and quality of crops. Fulvic acid improves soil fertility and development at the biological level of beneficial microflora in the soil.
A successful combination of tradition, innovation, and research have helped Fitochem focus on the promotion, support and growth of sustainable agriculture, keeping nutrition its foremost concern, as its motto says, “The Solution In Nutrition.”