Harnessing the Benefits of Fulvic Acid for Crops - Fitochem


Harnessing the Benefits of Fulvic Acid for Crops

Healthy nutrition means healthy plants. As a farmer, you must be seeking some effective product that can help you to grow a healthy crop and get lucrative return. For this, it is important to provide proper nutrition to the soil. Naturally, crops grow as per the chemical composition on the ground where seeds fall. But sometimes, it doesn’t happen. The reason is lack of proper nutrition in the soil. Here an organic fertilizer like Fitochem’s fulvic acid  plays a crucial role.

How does fulvic acid work?”

Our fulvic acid is considered an organic soil conditioner, soluble in all range of pH media, with great acidifier capacities. Working along with other fertilizers, fulvic acid improves absorption and translocation of nutrients to the plants. Derived from humid substances of vegetable origin, it helps in dissolving soil minerals and forming organo-mineral compounds which result  in better plant growth. 

Our fulvic acid has direct and indirect effects in the metabolism of vegetables, an effective way to increase plants’ strength and yields without using any synthetic compound.

Grow Better Crops with Organic Fulvic Acid

Many farmers look for the best ways to grow better crops. Being  a natural sequestrant, when you introduce Fitochem’s  organic fulvic acid to your crops, it protects them from reacting with other ions in the soil. This acid  improves the uptake of minerals, enhances natural resistance to environmental stress and stimulates plant growth.

Fulvic acid makes a great foliar spray, enabling macro and micronutrients such as calcium, zinc, manganese, iron, and copper among others, to be absorbed through the leaves. It also stimulates plants metabolism which makes it an effective way to trace mineral deficiencies along with stimulating plant growth.

Benefits of Fulvic Acid

If you are still wondering about the benefits of using Fitochem’s fulvic acid, take a look to its following characteristics:

  • Ability to work along with different minerals in the ground.

In a soluble state, fulvic acid can make the perfect combination  with other minerals in the ground to form  organo-mineral complexes that can easily be absorbed by the roots of the plants.

  • Lower molecular weight

Fulvic acid has a lower molecular weight that facilitates penetration into the cells of plants. Studies done using electronic microscope confirmed that the size of our product molecule is around 1000 nanometers, which helps absorption significantly. It delivers nutrients to all sites within the plant, restoring natural balance and correcting deficiencies. When you add fulvic acid to the nutrient solution, it increases plants resistance to stress and strengthens their immunities.

  • Help plants deal with Freezes and Droughts better

Fulvic acid aids plants deal with freezes and droughts in a better way. The superior complexing action improves the plant’s ability to absorb nutrients. It penetrates the cell walls of the plant, helping it grow when applied along foliar spray.

Try Fulvic Acid in your soil today

If you want to produce hearty, strong crops rich in minerals and vitamins, get high-quality organic fulvic acid today. At Fitochem we provide the best fulvic acid because is 75% concentrated and 100% water soluble. It also enhances and transports nutrients that are perfect for fertilization under all sorts of pH media.

The most important biological function of our product is to increase the reproduction of beneficial microorganisms in the soil.

So what are you waiting for? Get in touch with us today and start reaping the benefits of using our fulvic acid.

As a farmer, you must be seeking some effective product that can help you to grow a healthy crop and get lucrative return. For this, it is important to provide proper nutrition to the soil. Naturally, crops grow as per the chemical composition on the ground where seeds fall. But sometimes, it doesn’t happen. The reason is lack of proper nutrition in the soil. Here organic fertilizer like Fulvic acid by Fitochem plays a crucial role.


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